Cain, Piers and Anne Thurston:: Personnel Records: A Strategic Resource for Public Sector Management.. ^Current good Practices and new Developments in Public Sector Management. (A Public Service Thematic Series).
Commonwealth Secretariat, 2000. ISBN: 9780850925524
186 S.
: Very good. Shrink wrapped. Cover slightly worn.
Artikel-Nr.: 821614
Caldwell, Bruce J. and Stephan Boehm (Edts.):: Austrian Economics: Tensions and New Directions.. (=Recent Economic Thought Series).
Boston, Kluwer Academic Publ., 1992. ISBN: 9780792392620
283 S.
: Good. Ex-library. With some pencil underlining and markings.
Artikel-Nr.: 849833
Calleo, David P. and Benjamin M. Rowland:: America and the World Political Economy.. Atlantic Dreams and National Realities.
Indiana University Press, 1973. ISBN: 9780253201607
371 S.
: Good. Ex-library. With some underlining.
Artikel-Nr.: 854127
Calori, Roland a. o.:: Dynamics of International Competition.. From Practice to Theory.
London, SAGE Publications Ltd., 2000. ISBN: 9780761961659
239 S.
: Ex.-Libr., Good condition.
Artikel-Nr.: 829387
Calvo, Guillermo A.:: Money, Exchange Rates, and Output.
MIT Press, 2006. ISBN: 9780262532822
536 S.
: Very good. Shrink wrapped.
Artikel-Nr.: 811684
Campbell, Bonnie and John Loxley (Edts.):: Structural Adjustment in Africa.. (International Political Economy Series).
Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, 1989. ISBN: 9780333496763
277 S.
: Good. Ex-library. Cover shows mild wear. Brownish paper.
Artikel-Nr.: 854177
Campbell, Robert W.:: The Soviet-type Economies.. Performance and Evolution.
Boston, Houghton Mifflin Comp., 1974. ISBN: 9780395172315
259 S.; Ill.
: Good. Ex-library.
Artikel-Nr.: 853560
Canterbery, E. Ray:: The Making of Economics. Vol. II: The Modern Superstructure.
World Scientific Publishing Co.Ltd., 2009. ISBN: 9789812835154
Hardcover with dust jacket
233 S.
: Like new. Shrink wrapped.
Artikel-Nr.: 820165
Capasso, Arturo, Giovanni Battista Dagnino and Andrea Lanza (Edts.):: Strategic Capabilities and Knowledge Transfer Within and Between Organizations.
Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005. ISBN: 9781843769453
Hardcover .
377 p., with tables.
: Guter Zustand. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempeln und Signatur auf Einband. Sonst Seiten sauber. / Good. Ex-library with usual markings. Clean pages.
Artikel-Nr.: 621551
Cappallo, Stephan: Die strukturations-theoretische Analyse von Branchen. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen dargestellt am Beispiel der deutschen Strombranche.
Deutscher Universiäts-Verlag Wiesbaden, 2005. ISBN: 3835002112
444 S.
: Sehr guter Zustand
Artikel-Nr.: 435563
Carlberg, Michael:: European Monetary Union. Theory, Evidence, and Policy.
Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, 1999. ISBN: 3790811912
Paperback/ broschiert
255 S.
: Guter Zustand/ Good With numerous ill. Ex-Library. Stamped edges.
Artikel-Nr.: 477230
Carlberg, Michael: Macroeconomics of Monetary Union.
Springer Berlin, 2007. ISBN: 3540736328
Hardcover/ Pappband
284 S.
: Guter Zustand/ Good With tables. Ex-Library. As library copy in very good condition.
Artikel-Nr.: 480510
Carlton, Dennis W. and Jeffrey M. Perloff:: Modern Industrial Organization.
New York, Harper Collins College Publ., 1994. ISBN: 9780673469021
4,4 x 19,7 x 24,1 cm, Hardcover
673 S.; with figures and tables.
: Ex.-Libr., Good condition. Slightly brownish paper.
Artikel-Nr.: 801633
Carmichael, Isla:: Pension Power: Unions, Pension Funds, and Social Investment in Canada.
University of Toronto Press, 2005. ISBN: 9780802036476
Hardcover with dust jacket
226 S.
: Like new. Shrink wrapped.
Artikel-Nr.: 821674
Carnoy, Martin and Derek Shearer:: Economic Democracy.. The Challenge of the 1980`s.
Taylor & Francis Inc, 1980. ISBN: 9780873321624
436 S.
: Good. Ex-library with usual markings. Clean pages.
Artikel-Nr.: 854524
Carraro, Carlo (Ed.):: The Endogenous Formation of Economics Coalitions.. The Fondatione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) Series on Economics and the Environment.
Cheltenahm, Elgar, 2003. ISBN: 184376265x
252 S., figures and tables, 24 cm.
: Bibl.-Ex. / Ex.-libr., guter Zustand / good condition. Cover with marks of a removed label.
Artikel-Nr.: 523620
Carre, Jean Jacques a. o.:: French Economic Growth.. Studies of Economic Growth in Industrialized Countries.
Stanford University Press, 1975. ISBN: 9780804708784
581 S., with figures and tables.
: Good. Ex-library.
Artikel-Nr.: 853615
Case, Karl E. and Ray C. Fair:: Principles of Economics.
New Jersey, Pearson Ed., 2006. ISBN: 9780132289146
21,6 x 3,2 x 27,9 cm, Hardcover
784 S., Ill.
: Ex.-Libr., Good condition. Cover with marks from removed label.
Artikel-Nr.: 801092
Cassen, Robert a. o.:: Rich Country Interests and Third World Development.
London, Croom Helm Ltd., 1982. ISBN: 9780709919308
369 S.; with figures and tables.
: Good. Ex-library with usual markings. Clean pages.
Artikel-Nr.: 863329
Cassen, Robert a. o.:: Rich Country Interests and Third World Development.
London, Croom Helm Ltd., 1982. ISBN: 9780709919308
369 S.; with figures and tables.
: Good. Ex-library with usual markings. With some pencil marks and notes.
Artikel-Nr.: 863330
Castor, Bernd:: Das Recht der eigenkapitalersetzenden Gesellschafterleistungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsfolgen nachträglicher Änderungen in den Tatbestandsvoraussetzungen.. (=Europäische Hochschulschriften / Reihe 2 / Rechtswissenschaft ; Bd. 2149). Di
Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 1997. ISBN: 9783631318737
428 S. ; 21 cm
: Sehr guter Zustand.
Artikel-Nr.: 565317
Catranis, Alexander:: Die Aufgabe der Zusammenschlusskontrolle. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Sanierungsfusion.. (=Schriften zum Wirtschaftsrecht ; Bd. 36).
Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1981. ISBN: 9783428048953
168 S.
: Guter Zustand. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempeln und Signatur auf Einband. Sonst Seiten sauber.
Artikel-Nr.: 876723
Centre d` Etudes et de Recherches Universitaire de Namur (Ceruna): Recherches recentes sur la Fonction de Production. (=Collection Economie Mathematique et Econometrie; No. 2).
Facultes Universitaires Namur, 1968.
242 S.
: Guter Zustand/ Good With figures. Ex-Library. Stamped edges.
Artikel-Nr.: 480456
Cernat, Lucian:: Europeanization, Varieties of Capitalism and Economic Performance in Central and Eastern Europe.. (=Studies in Economic Transition).
Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. ISBN: 9781403947970
222 S.; Ill.
: Good. Ex-library.
Artikel-Nr.: 852040
Challen, Ray:: Institutions, Transaction Costs and Environmental Policy: Institutional Reform for Water Resources (New Horizons in Environmental Economics)
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 1. ISBN: 9781840642506
23,1 x 16,0 x 2,5 cm, Hardcover
233 Seiten. Ill.
: Ex.-Libr., Good condition.
Artikel-Nr.: 545605
Chaloner, W. H. and R. C. Richardson (comp.):: British Economic and Social History.. A Bibliographical Guide.
Manchester Univers. Press / Rowman and Littlefield, 1976. ISBN: 9780874717778
102, 129 S.
: Good. Ex-library.
Artikel-Nr.: 849825
Chamberlain, Neil W.:: Private and public planning.
New York, MacGraw Hill Co., 1965.
238 p.,
: Good condition. Library copy with usual marks.
Artikel-Nr.: 848930
Champernowne, D. G.:: Uncertainty and Estimation in Economics. Vol. 1.
Edinburg, Oliver & Boyd - San Francisco, Holden Day, 1969.
280 S.; Ill.
: Ex.-Libr., Good condition. With some pencil marks.
Artikel-Nr.: 829997
Chao, Kang:: Capital Formation in Mainland China, 1952-65.
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1974. ISBN: 9780520023048
178 S.; with tables.
: Good. Ex-library. Cover shows mild wear.
Artikel-Nr.: 854449
Chapman, Bruce (Ed.):: Government Managing Risk: Income Contingent Loans for Social and Economic Progress.. (=Routledge Studies in Business Organizations and Networks; Vol. 40).
Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2006. ISBN: 9780415287784
240 S.; Ill.
: Very Good. Shrink wrapped.
Artikel-Nr.: 814999
Chaudhuri, M. R.:: An Economic Geography of India.
New Delhi, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., 0.
230 S.; Ill.
: Good. Ex-library with usual markings. Clean pages. Hinges damaged. One page with coffee stain.
Artikel-Nr.: 877681
Chaunu, Pierre und Richard Gascon:: Histoire Èconomique et Sociale de la France. Vol. I-III (in 8 Vols.). [8 Vols.].. Vol. 1/I: L` Etat et la Ville. Vol. 1/II: Paysannerie et croissance. Vol. 2: Des derniers temps de l`age seigneurial aux prèludes de l` age industriel (1660-1789). Vol. 3/I+
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1970.
1035, 779, 1071, 1837 S., with figures and tables.
: Ex.-Libr., Good condition. Stamped edges.
Artikel-Nr.: 587075
Chen, John-ren:: Der Weltbaumwollmarkt. : Ein ökonometrisches Modell.. (=Frankfurter Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien ; 24)
Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 1970.
170 S.
: Guter Zustand. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempeln und Signatur auf Einband. Sonst Seiten sauber.
Artikel-Nr.: 876643
Cheng, Kai, Yingxue Yao and Liang Zhou (Edts.):: e-Engineering & Digital Enterprise Technology.. (=Applied Mechanics and Materials).
Trans Tech, 1. ISBN: 9780878494705
17,1 x 5,7 x 24,8 cm, Paperback
968 Seiten
: Very good. Shrink wrapped.
Artikel-Nr.: 810677
Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P.:: Handbook of Solid Waste Management and Waste, Minimization Technologies.
Amsterdam, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003. ISBN: 9780750675079
XI, 477 S. ; Ill.; 26 cm,
: Very good. Shrink wrapped.
Artikel-Nr.: 812113
Chevallier, Francois:: Les Enterprises publiques en France.
Paris, 0.
263 S., Ill.
: Ex.-Libr., Good condition. Cover with marks of removed label.
Artikel-Nr.: 572983
Chickering, A. Lawrence and Mohamed Salahdine (Edts.):: The Silent Revolution: The Informal Sector in Five Asian and Near Eastern Countries.
San Francisco, ICS Press, 1991. ISBN: 9781558151628
245 S.; Ill., tables.
: Acceptable. Ex-library with usual markings. With pencil underling and notes.
Artikel-Nr.: 849179
Child, Frank C.: The Theory and Practice of Exchange Control in Germany. A Study of monopolistic Exploitation in international Markets. (=International Scholars Forum; 10).
Nijhoff The Hague, 1958.
241 S.
: Stamped edges. Guter Zustand/ Good With tables. Ex-Library. Brownish paper.
Artikel-Nr.: 481810
Chipman, J. S. / Kindleberger, C. P. ( Ed. ): Flexible Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments. Essays in Memory of Egon Sohnen. ( = Studies in International Economics, 7) .
North- Holland Amsterdam, 1980. ISBN: 0444860452
Hardcover/ Pappband
368 S.
: Sehr guter Zustand/ very good Ex-Library. With ill. Few pages with penciled underlinings.
Artikel-Nr.: 466580
Chipman, John S./ Kindleberger, Charles P.: Flexible Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments. (= Studies in International Economics, vol.7).
North Holland Amsterdam, 1980.
Hardcover/ Pappband
368 S.
: Guter Zustand/ Good Ex-Library. Stamped edges. Brownish paper.
Artikel-Nr.: 488049
Chorafas, Dimitris N.:: The Management of Bond Investments and Trading of Debt.
Elsevier, 2005. ISBN: 9780750667265
448 S.; Ill.
: Very good. Shrink wrapped.
Artikel-Nr.: 811716
Chote, Robert:: Financial Crises & Asia:. (=CEPR Conference Report No. 6)
Centre for Economic Policy research, 1998. ISBN: 9781898128366
62 S.
: Good. Ex-library.
Artikel-Nr.: 854368
Christians, Volker C.:: Neue Zahlungsverkehrsinstrumente : e. Unters. über mögl. Auswirkungen ihres Einsatzes auf d. Mengengeschäft d. Kreditinst.. (=Reihe Oikos - Studien zur Ökonomie ; Bd. 17).
Frankfurt am Main, Barudio & Hess, 1985. ISBN: 9783922182177
216 S.
: Guter Zustand. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempeln und Signatur auf Einband. Sonst Seiten sauber.
Artikel-Nr.: 866181
Chrystal, K.A.:: Controversies in Macroeconomics.
Oxford, Allan Publ., 1987. ISBN: 0860031470
181 S.
: Good condition. Ex-Library with usual markings, stamped fore-edges. Cover slightly used.
Artikel-Nr.: 835815
Chua, Christian:: Chinese Big Business in Indonesia. The State of Capital.. (=Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series).
Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2008. ISBN: 9780415450744
176 S.
: Like new. Shrink wrapped.
Artikel-Nr.: 822811
Chudnovsky, Daniel (Ed.): Transnational Corporations and Industrialization. (=United Nations Library on Transnational Corporations; Vol. 11).
Routledge London-New York, 1993. ISBN: 0415085446
Hardcover/ Pappband
393 S.
: Guter Zustand/ Good Ex-Library.
Artikel-Nr.: 383656
Ciesielski, Axel:: Unternehmungsberichterstattung zur Fundierung von Anteilseignerentscheidungen.
Wiesbaden, Gabler, 1977. ISBN: 9783409390514
170 S. ; 24 cm
: Bibl.-Ex., Guter Zustand. Vorderer Einband vergilbt.
Artikel-Nr.: 549177
Clark, Peter B.: Planning Import Substitution. (=Contributions to Economic Analysis; Vol. 68).
North-Holland Publishing Company Amsterdam, 1970. ISBN: 0720431689
Hardcover/ Pappband
315 S.
: Guter Zustand/ Good Ex-Library. Brownish paper. Stamped edges.
Artikel-Nr.: 480449
Classen, E. / Salin, P. (Edts.).: Recent Issues in International Monetary Economics. (=Studies in Monetary Econmics; Vol. 2).
North-Holland Publishing Company Amsterdam, 1976. ISBN: 0444110232
Hardcover/ Pappband
428 S.
: Slightly brownish paper. Guter Zustand/ Good With figures. Ex-Library. Stamped edges.
Artikel-Nr.: 480466
Claussen, Bernd:: Teilprivatisierung kommunaler Sparkassen? Ökonomische und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für eine Beteiligung Privater an den kommunalen Kreditinstituten.. (=Kommunalrecht - Kommunalverwaltung ; Bd. 3).
Baden-Baden, Nomos-Verl.-Ges., 1990. ISBN: 9783789019814
275 S.
: Guter Zustand. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempeln und Signatur auf Einband. Sonst Seiten sauber. Buchblock (Leimung) leicht vom Einband gelöst, Bindung fest.
Artikel-Nr.: 866173