Progressive Architecture


1-9 von 9 Ergebnissen

Progressive Architecture. 10/1988. THEMA: Solvin the House Crisis

New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation. 1988

Standardeinband. Ca. 130 Seiten : Guter Zustand. INHALT: Berkely, 5th, and 6th Streets, Santa Monica, By Koning Eizenberg Architecture. HELP I, Brooklyn, N.Y., by Cooper, Robertson + Partners. St. James Social Services and Four Sisters, Vancouver, by Davidson/Yuen Partners. Thir House, Toronto, by Tsow-Pollard Partnership. The Baltic Inn, San Diego, by Rob Wellington Quigley. The Harold Hotel, Los Angeles, by William Rawn Associates.

Artikel-Nr.: 542955

Progressive Architecture. 11/1988. THEMA: Two Museums/Two Libraries/Malls/Lighting

New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation. 1988

Standardeinband. Ca. 160 Seiten : Guter Zustand. INHALT: Pilar Viladas: Full Circle: Hammond Beeby & Babka's design for the Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Building at the Art Institute of Chicago creates a modern museum building that maintains strong ties, conceptually as well as contextually, to its Classical antecedents. Jim Murphy: K-Mart for Information: Scogin Elam & Bray Architects employ both wit and care in their design of a headquarters/branch library for the Clayton County library system near Atlanta. Sally Woodbridge: New Civic Center: The new branch library in Linda Vista, a suburb of San Diego, by Rob Wellington Quigley, replaces the shopping center next door as focal point.

Artikel-Nr.: 542956

Progressive Architecture. 2/1988. THEMA: Two Portland Award Winners/Pelli/Sartogo/Graves Wood Framing

New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation. 1988

Standardeinband. Ca. 160 Seiten : Guter Zustand. INHALT: Architectural Design: Jim Murphy: The Center for the Performing Arts, Portland, Oeg., a joint venture of Broome, Oringdulph, T'Toole, Rudolf , Boles & Assoc., ELS Design Group, and Brton Myers Assoc., was a winner in 1984 of a P/A Award. P. C. Papademetriou: Rice Repise: In the Ley Student Center at Rice Univers., Cesar Pelli & Associates. Susan Doubilet: Savoring the Essence: Piero Sartog and Nathalie Grenon designed an elegant new restaurant, Toscana Ristorante, in Manhattan.

Artikel-Nr.: 542948

Progressive Architecture. 3/1988.

New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation. 1988

Standardeinband. Ca. 210 Seiten : Guter Zustand. INHALT: Architectural Design: Pilar Viladas: Soft Sell: Gwathmey Siegel & Associates have designed a New York Shworoom for Herman Miller in a Building that they have just rehabiliteted: IDCNY/Center One in Long Island City. Susan Doubilet: Andree Putman, with local architects R. and P. Studer, has renovated Le Corbusier's 1916 Villa Schwob, also known as Villa Turque, in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. S. Woodbridge: Back offices, often physically removed from headquarters, have acquired their own problems and design potential.

Artikel-Nr.: 542949

Progressive Architecture. 4/1988. THEMA: Preservation/Rehabilitation/Computers

New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation. 1988

Standardeinband. Ca. 210 Seiten : Guter Zustand. INHALT: Architectural Design: Barbara Goldstein: Wilshire Rebirth. Los Angeles landmarks, the Wiltern Theater and Pellissier Building, have been brought back to former glory by Levin & Ass. and Rossetti Associates. Jim Murphy: Architects Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Assoc. have chosen to honr and enhance a ruin in their recreation of The Brooklyn Academy of Music's Majestic Theater. J. M. Teutonico: A 17th Century palazzo-turned-art Museum in Parma, Italy, has been renewed by architect Guido Canali with a constrasting interior architectur of cool, Modern materials.

Artikel-Nr.: 542950

Progressive Architecture. 6/1988. THEMA: Botta/Corporate Clients/Hotel Guest Rooms/Curtain Walls

New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation. 1988

Standardeinband. Ca. 140 Seiten : Guter Zustand. INHALT: Architectural Design: Donatelle Smetana: Authentic Modernity: Mario Bott's competion-winning scheme for the Andre Malraux Cultural Center is the centerpiece of a proposed residential and cultural district in Chambery-le-Bas, France. Thomas Fisher: Life behind the Logos: As corporations have become major employers of architects and designers, corporate architecture has become a respected career path, with considerable decision-making power.

Artikel-Nr.: 542951

Progressive Architecture. 7/1988.

New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation. 1988

Standardeinband. Ca. 140 Seiten : Guter Zustand. INHALT: Architectural Design: Pilar Viladas: The Road to Recovery: Morphosis Architects /Gruen Assoc. design for the Cedars-Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center in L. A. is as radical a departure from accepted health-care-design norms as the 24-hour Center is from traditional outpatient facilities. D. D. Boles: Proper Classicism: Quinlan Terry's Howard Building at Downing College, Cambridge, England. Th. Fisher, JIm Murphy, D. D. Boles: The Big Sell: Marketing architectural services can take many forms and use varied media. This group of articles looks at the marketing strategies of four successful firms ...

Artikel-Nr.: 542952

Progressive Architecture. 8/1988. THEMA: Australian Parliament House

New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation. 1988

Standardeinband. Ca. 130 Seiten : Guter Zustand. INHALT: Architectural Design: J. M. Dixon: Capital Hill: Rising like the summit of Canberra's focal hill, the Parliament House by Mitchell/Guzrgika & Thorp takes its place as one of the great government builidngs of the 20th Century. J. Taylor: Symbolism: Parliament House is assessed by an Australian observer as an embodiment of national aspirations. Jim Murphy: P/A Technics: The Details: Although the building is structurally straightforward, many of its details are unique.

Artikel-Nr.: 542953

Progressive Architecture. 9/1988. THEMA: Interior Design / Flooring

New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation. 1988

Standardeinband. Ca. 210 Seiten : Guter Zustand. INHALT: Interior Design: Adele Freedman: Breaking the Bonds: One of Japan's formeost contemporary designers, Shiro Kuratmata, creates interiors and products that combine surprising forms and materials, often with otherworldly results. Warren James: Educated Eclectics: For interior designer Jed Johnson and architect Alan Wanzberg, historicism must be literate, without being literal-minded. Thomas Fisher: Against Beauty: Two interiors by Thomas Leeser explore the breakdown of such traditional architectural notions as enclosure, comfort, and support.

Artikel-Nr.: 542954


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